Legal information
Transparency and open communication are a matter of course for us, both inside and outside of Volkswagen AG. You will find important information on Volkswagen AG and how you can contact Volkswagen AG simply here.
Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft
38436 Wolfsburg
Telephone +49 5361 9-0
Fax +49 5361 9-28282
Customer Support:
Tel.: +49 800 – 86 55 79 24 36
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Arvato SE
Reinhard-Mohn-Straße 22
D-33333 Gütersloh
Volkswagen AG is an Aktiengesellschaft (equivalent of public limited company) according to German law, and is based
in Wolfsburg.
Chair of the Supervisory Board: | Hans Dieter Pötsch |
Chair of the Executive Board: | Oliver Blume |
Executive Board: |
VOLKSWAGEN AG is recorded in the Register of Companies at the District Court of Braunschweig under number HRB 100484.
VOLKSWAGEN AG’s VAT identification number is DE115235681.
Volkswagen is not willing or obliged to attend dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.